Our bees and wasps are in decline!

Our bees and wasps are in decline!

Have you noticed this year there has been a lack of insects being seen? We haven’t even been called out for a wasp nest to be treated yet and it’s nearly July. Is this due to the long wet winter we had up until a few weeks ago that’s causing it? Or...
Are birds nesting in your eaves?

Are birds nesting in your eaves?

In the UK, the presence of birds in our gardens brings not only beauty but also vital ecological benefits. However, when they nest in the eaves of our homes, it can pose challenges, especially concerning pest control. Yet, with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981...
Are pests driving you out of your home?

Are pests driving you out of your home?

I have lost count of how many times l have been to see a customer who is at their wits ends in dealing with the pest they cant seem to get rid of. You would think it would be rats or squirrels being the main cause when it can be something as simple as a millipede...