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Beekind Pest Control

Loft Clearance Services in Bath, Chippenham, Yate, Keynsham and the Surrounding Areas

Delivering Reliable and Long-Lasting Results – Guaranteed!

Can loft clearing services help you make the most of your loft space?

Your loft space is great for storing unwanted clutter around the home or keeping your Christmas or Halloween decorations. Perhaps you can’t access the loft because your step ladders won’t reach it, or you fear rodents chewing at your belongings. At BEEKIND™ Pest Control, we offer loft clearance services so you can regain control of your loft space. 

A dimly lit attic under renovation, with exposed wooden beams and insulation materials scattered around. Rolled and stacked sheet insulation lies on the floor, and two small windows at the far end provide some natural light.
brown wooden ceiling with white ceiling

We can even provide free, no-obligation quotes.

How We Can Help

1. Survey

We will survey your loft to check for signs of rodents. If so, we can check for their entry points and carry out rodent control and proofing. This may take a few weeks to resolve, so only once it has been proven to be effective can the worries of your belongings being contaminated be reduced.

An attic with exposed fiberglass insulation scattered about, showing signs of damage and droppings likely from pests. Wires and ducts are visible along with a plastic bin in the background. The ceiling beams and brick wall are also partially visible—an urgent case for pest control.
A person pulls back a sheet of insulation in an attic, revealing wooden planks underneath. The attic is partially renovated, with various tools and materials scattered around, and a small window providing natural light.

2. Removal

Our loft clearance services include removing all old, contaminated, or dirty loft insulation and replacing it with fresh materials. We even carry out a special biocide spray before and after removal to neutralise all bacteria and pathogens in the loft, on the joists, and the beams. This leaves your loft smelling fresh and clean.

3. Create More Warmth

We can either top up your existing insulation if it is not providing your home with enough warmth, or we can replace the whole loft with fresh insulation. Several options are available on the market, including glass mineral wool, rock wool, Celotex, man-made synthetic fibre, and sheep’s wool.

The 2003 building regulations recommend a minimum of 270mm of insulation; however, if you wish to have more, just let us know. We can quote for 270mm, 300mm, 400mm and more.

4. Loft Boarding

We offer loft boarding from 4sqm up to 60sqm and install loft ladders as an additional service. Check out some of our recent posts on our social media pages to see how we can transform your loft! Our customers have rated us five stars, and they are very happy with our work and noticed how warmer their home felt afterwards. 

You will also have extra storage as we install 300mm XL legs over the existing 100mm joists. Insulation can only be a maximum of 370mm under the boards, as air must circulate below.